Addressing the Top 3 Legal Concerns

Wondering what are employers' top covid legal concerns? The laws surrounding covid-19 and employer compliance are a moving target, and employers are asking for help in understanding the complexities.
Early in the pandemic, there was a Member Question about how to handle positive cases in the workplace from a public health standpoint. We could not have expected the detailed legal hurdles that employers are facing now, and today's Member Question will dig into some of those issues.
The Top 3 Employer COVID Legal Concerns
In today's Member Question of the Day, we spoke with Michael Doversberger and Patty Jander, Attorneys with Smith, Haughey, Rice & Roegge. These two have in depth knowledge to address specific compliance and preparedness questions, and we asked them for their top three suggestions to help employers navigate.
Advice: 3 Things to Consider Carefully
- Keeping Up with the Laws as they Change.
- The Importance of the Preparedness Plan and How it Could Relate to Immunity.
- Moving from Reactive to Proactive in Preparing for Additional Changes in Laws and Workplace Situations.
Watch this 7-minute video for details.
Mike and Patty recommend the Michigan Department of Labor's website for detailed information on guidelines, specifically by industry. Below are links to help.
- MIOSHA Website (Michigan Occupational Health and Safety Administration).
- MDHHS Epidemic Orders (Michigan Department of Health and Human Services).
- Website FAQ page for Businesses and Organizations - Employers.
- Website FAQ page for Businesses and Organizations - Employees.