Advocacy In Action
Conversations About Issues that Impact Our Community
“There is NO better place than our Chamber to get connected and stay connected to our city, county, Lansing, and DC.”
– David Slikkers, Director of Government Relations, Tiara Yachts
To the West Coast Chamber, Advocacy In Action is not about “politics.” It’s about getting our members’ business concerns and feedback to the people who’ve been elected to represent us. It’s also about making sure our community and its business have opportunities to thrive, grow, and remain competitive.
The West Coast Chamber serves as a fierce advocate for business at the local, state, and federal levels for over 1,200 members and nearly 80,000 member employees. Our commitment is to educate our members on important policy issues, provide access to our elected officials, and serve as an advocate for a business-friendly environment.
We do this work on our own and with our collaborative partners who share our commitment to making West Michigan the best place to live, learn, work, and play.
Advocacy in Action Mission Development Sponsors
What's an Advocacy in Action Mission Development Sponsor? Click HERE for information on Mission Development Sponsorships.